Employment Opportunities
The Friends of Fort George support student employment at Fort George and Brock's Monument with the assistance of government-funded programmes such as Young Canada Works, Canada Summer Jobs and the Ontario Trillium Foundation. Employment opportunities include:
Each summer, young men and women represent the 41st Regiment Infantry. They are trained to drill, fire a musket and represent the lifestyle of the common soldier of 1812. Daily presentations provide visitors with insight into many aspects of the soldier's day.Brock's Monument
From May to September, young adults working at Brock's Monument provide guests with information on the War of 1812, the Battle of Queenston Heights, and the life of Sir Isaac Brock in both official languages.Gift Shop
The Friends of Fort George Gift Shop focuses on military and social history of the early 19th Century. Each summer, students are given the opportunity to learn the early history of Canada, while acquiring the skill sets needed to work in a retail environment.
If you are interested in summer employment, please email us at: admin@friendsoffortgeorge.ca. Optionally, you may fax your résumé to 905-468-7681.
Please include:
- Your Name
- Your Mailing Address
- Your Contact Phone Number(s)
- Whether you are fluent in another language, and if so, what language
- Position(s) you are interested in:
- Gift Shop
- Brock's Monument Interpreter
- Infantry / Squad
- An attachment with your resume